Jake Armijo

Hello User, Welcome to the grid...


Table of Contents

  • Post Title: React useEffect Dependency Array
    Post Date: 2023-4-26
    Post Tags: React, useEffect, JavaScript, Web Development, React Hooks


  • Post Title: RabbitMQ - Node - Express - MongoDB
    Post Date: 2023-4-25
    Post Tags: RabbitMQ, decoupling, JavaScript, Web Development, Node, Express, MongoDB, Message Broker


  • Post Title: Application LoadBalanced Fargate Service Pattern for ECS using the AWS CDK
    Post Date: 2023-4-24
    Post Tags: AWS, Scalable, Python, Web Development, CDK, ALB, Fargate, ECS, ECS Patterns


  • Post Title: useReducer React Hook with NHL example
    Post Date: 2023-4-23
    Post Tags: React, React Hooks, Javascript, Web Development, useReducer


  • Post Title: Why do Docker Image Sizes grow?
    Post Date: 2023-4-22
    Post Tags: Docker, Scalable, Web Development, Container


  • Post Title: AWS DevOps Professional Cheat Sheet
    Post Date: 2022-12-17
    Post Tags: AWS, Exam, DEV OPS, AWS Certified, AWS Professional, Cheat Sheet, AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional


  • Post Title: How I try to increase my chances of success with ADHD
    Post Date: 2022-08-16
    Post Tags: ADHD, Life with ADHD


  • Post Title: Where to start your SDE career
    Post Date: 2022-07-05
    Post Tags: [Start-Ups](https://www.forbes.com/lists/americas-best-startup-employers/?utm_source=AP&sh=2e4adb012ad7), Brands, Consultants, Agency


  • Post Title: How I launched my portfolio site with Google Domains and Netlify
    Post Date: 2022-05-16
    Post Tags: Google Domains, Netlify, Nextjs, Gatsby, DNS, Portfolio Site


  • Post Title: Web Scraping and how to utilize reduce and map inside chrome dev tool
    Post Date: 2021-04-30
    Post Tags: Google Dev Tools, Reduce, Map, Nodejs, Web Scraping
